If you (or someone you know) may have experienced a sexual assault or unwanted sexual contact of any kind, 告诉别人发生了什么. 可以获得帮助和支持.


Policy Against Sexual Harassment and Other 不正当的性行为 | 学生行为准则 | 第九章培训材料 | Seven Ways NOT to React When Your Friend is Sexually Assaulted | 防止性侵犯 | 同意是什么意思? | 学生权利法案


At the first disclosure by a Complainant to an 埃尔迈拉大学 representative and upon the Complainant’s initial meeting with the 第九条 Coordinator, 投诉人将获通知, “You have the right to make a report to Department of Safety and Security, 当地执法部门, and/or state police or choose not to report; to report the incident to 埃尔迈拉大学; to be protected by the institution from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from your institution.”

 A Complainant has several choices for both reporting Prohibited Conduct as well as getting more information about their options for reporting and support from the 第九条 Coordinator or an authorized designee. A Complainant may choose to use any of the following reporting options simultaneously.

  • A Complainant may choose to share information with the College, 获得资源和支持, 并在那时进行无决议程序. 当这是表达的偏好, 向投诉人提供资源 and 获悉支援措施.
  • A Complainant can also choose to make a report regarding sexual misconduct to the 第九条 Coordinator and/or Department of Safety and Security. 当这是表达的偏好, 向投诉人提供资源, 获悉支援措施, 并有机会讨论解决方案.
  • The 第九条 coordinator can be reached Monday - Friday, from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Campus Center Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, by phone at (607) 735-1930,或通过电子邮件 titleix@ewepub.com. 几个小时之后, Reporting Individuals can contact the 第九条 coordinator through the residence director on-call protocol or through Office of Safety and Security.


  • A report may be made to Chemung County Sheriffs Department or 埃尔迈拉 Police Department by calling 911.
  • A report can also be made with the 纽约州警察 at:

24小时专线: 1 (844) 845-7269

  • The College will assist any person in contacting law enforcement officials to report an allegation of sexual misconduct. 另外, any campus community member may independently report. 执法部门有自己的程序. 如果你选择直接联系执法部门, law enforcement may not inform the College of your report. 如果你想让学院知道并参与, please contact the 第九条 coordinator or the Office of Safety and Security.
  • 在审查案件事实后, law enforcement may decide to prosecute the matter and further participation with law enforcement may be required. 一旦刑事指控被提起, charges can be withdrawn only with the proper consent of the District Attorney's Office. The College will act on any information law enforcement shares with the College if there is a concern for the safety of the College community.
  • mg冰球突破豪华版下载全力支持所有本地学生, state, and federal laws prohibiting sexual misconduct and will cooperate with law enforcement officials who investigate such allegations to the fullest extent allowed under the law. 所有案件都向执法部门报告, the College will coordinate its investigations and responses with those of law enforcement. A concurrent investigation will not prevent the College from conducting its own investigation and conduct processes, 除非执法部门要求暂时延期

除了上面的报告选择之外, persons may direct information about their allegations to the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. 教育部.


U.S. 教育部
电话: (800) 421-3481
Fax: (202) 453-6012; TDD: (800) 877-8339
电子邮件: OCR@ed.gov
